Our Vision -

We are United and Stand To Improve The Livelihood Of the James senegal street Community and maintaining the street Mosque in good Condition.

Who We Are

As a community of diverse backgrounds, born and bred together from the same neightbourhood of James Senegal Street and its surrounding, we are convinced that the strength of our diversity lies in our unity. We firmly believe that through unity in purpose, we can effectively make a difference in the upliftment of our people and add value to the developmental aspirations of James Senegal Street.

About Us

We are a non-profit selfhelp organisation with independent volunteers who work towards upholding and promoting harmonous and cordial relationship within the James Senegal Street community without any form of political, ethnic and/or socio-cultural affliations and/or infleunces.


  • To participate in the promotion of good citizenship and enhance fraternal engagements within the cross-section of James Senegal Street.
  • To galvanise both human and material resources for the beautification, cleaning and safety of James Senegal Street so as to make it environmentally and socially friendly for all.
  • To participate in the promotion of good citizenship and enhance fraternal engagements within the cross-section of James Senegal Street.
  • To engage our community residents in peaceful coexistence, mutual respect and cooperation in times of resolving misunderstandings amongst us.
  • To encourage engagement in activities that will help in the transformation of the livelihood of the less previledged and boost capacities for a sustainable living.
  • The people of Waa-James Senegal will engage, collaborate and facilitate fundraising activities geared towards initiating and implimenting projects in the areas of poverty alleviation/reduction, supporting, and providing assistance for the vulnerable people and the community at large.

Become A Member

The organisation started in May 2021 and currently we more than 100 members. Our membership is composed of mainly youth and elders born in James senegal Street in Banjul, The Gambia. Members are both residing in street and abroad mainly in diaspora and other parts of the world. All the members are above 21 years as of now. We have committed members who are currently committed to monthly financial subscription. We are from all background and professions.


The Masjid / Mosque work and development is at the heart of the Organioation. The Mosque provide an atmosphere of peace and understanding for all people in the street and its surrounding regardless of race and cultural tradition. Its a place where people can meet on a regular basios to pray. To Disseminate Islamic knowledge among Muslims for the purpose of strengthening our commitment to Islam as a complete code of conduct.
We will aim to spread teaching of Islamic religion amongst Street Children and Adults (Quran & Sunnah). The school is dedicated for facilitating memorizing the Quran, teaching Arabic language, Islamic studies and conduct, etc
The blessed month of Ramadan will soon be upon us once again! Ramadan is a sacred time for worshipping Allah, it’s an opportunity for devotion, reflection and celebration of the mercy and love of Allah. As the Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle, the month of Ramadan rotates by approximately ten days each year. This year, Ramadan is expected to begin on Tuesday 13th April 2021, depending on the sighting of the moon.
The annual event brings together people from all walks of life for religious discourse and prayers.