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We are United and Stand To Improve The Livelihood Of the James senegal street Community and maintaining the street Mosque in good Condition.
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We are United and Stand To Improve The Livelihood Of the James senegal street Community and maintaining the street Mosque in good Condition.

We are a non-profit selfhelp organisation with independent volunteers who work towards upholding and promoting harmonous and cordial relationship within the James Senegal Street community without any form of political, ethnic and/or socio-cultural affliations and/or infleunces.

As a community of diverse backgrounds, born and bred together from the same neightbourhood of James Senegal Street and its surrounding, we are convinced that the strength of our diversity lies in our unity. We firmly believe that through unity in purpose, we can effectively make a difference in the upliftment of our people and add value to the developmental aspirations of James Senegal Street.

Upkeep &

To engage, consult, collaborate with mosque elders and committee members for the upkeep, refurbishment and all other economic needs of James Senegal Mosque

Cleaning , Safety&
Community Programs

To galvanise both human and material resources for the beautification, cleaning and safety of James Senegal Street so as to make it environmentally and socially friendly for all.

Enhance fraternal

To participate in the promotion of good citizenship and enhance fraternal engagements within the cross-section of James Senegal Street.

Peaceful &

To engage our community residents in peaceful coexistence, mutual respect and cooperation in times of resolving misunderstandings amongst us.

Transformation of
the livelihood

Support to families, children, young people, volunteers, refugees, migrants and other individuals with special circumstances.


The people of Waa-James Senegal will engage, collaborate and facilitate fundraising activities geared towards initiating and implimenting projects in the areas of poverty alleviation/reduction, supporting, and providing assistance for the vulnerable people and the community at large.

We are a registered charity and most of our work or projects is delivered through small donations made people from the organisation members within organisation. If you are able to help please provide a small donation or help best you can. Also a big thank you to all of you that keeps donating….!!!

Questions? Ask!

Fill in your information and we will get back to you — or just give us a call: 00220 – 246 8910